new mailman for FC2 available to fix password security problem

Warren Togami wtogami at
Fri Jun 11 07:27:41 UTC 2004

Warren Togami wrote:
>> The mailman init script also doesn't actually do a complete restart on
>> 'restart', and cleverly starts up an additional copy whenever you change
>> runlevels.
> "cleverly starts up an additional copy whenever you change runlevels" 
> usually means it isn't properly setting and checking the 
> /var/lock/subsys like other services.

Confirmed, /etc/init.d/mailman script is terrible.  I am in the process 
of rewriting it based on the semantics of /etc/init.d/cpuspeed or 
/etc/init.d/httpd, but having trouble because mailmanctl doesn't return 
non-zero return codes upon certain errors.  Looking at patching 
mailmanctl next...

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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