build a kernel howto ( I want samba)

sandy pond sandy_pond at
Mon Mar 1 18:58:18 UTC 2004

> So where to look for a `step by step' applicable to 
> current kernels?

Here's a small script currently I use for rawhide
(it's not very general);

rm -rf /lib/modules/2.6.3-MyKernel
cd /usr/src/linux &&
make clean &&
make mrproper &&
make clean &&
cp configs/kernel-2.6.3-i686.config .config &&
echo "
Enable options save and exit
" &&
make gconfig &&
sed --in-place 's/^EXTRAVERSION[[:space:]]*=.*$/EXTRAVERSION = -MyKernel/' Makefile &&
make clean &&
make bzImage &&
make modules &&
make modules_install &&
make install || exit 1
rm -rf /boot/*2.6.3-MyKernel.old
echo -e '\n<<<< BUILD OK >>>>\n'

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