Policy?! I don't need no stinking policy!

Douglas Furlong douglas.furlong at firebox.com
Tue Mar 9 09:23:55 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 22:55, Dave Waller wrote:
> After further investigating I believe that the selinux=0 boot prompt 
> might be a good canidate for default for FCC2.
> Since many people will not know (as I did not) anything about SELinux 
> and it is eazy enough to turn on/off.  Perhaps it is in or going to be 
> in the installer as an option like the firewall screens. 
> At first I thought that it would be module but it makes sence to have as 
> a boot option only as any hacker could rmmod the selinux and then you 
> have nothing.
> Dave

If by FCC2, you mean Fedora Core Test2 (wasn't sure what the second C
meant), then they will not be shipping it with selinux=0 as the default.
Or this was my impression.

They need the SELinux stuff tested as much as possible, defaulting it to
off will not exactly do this.

Not sure what will happen with FC2, but hopefully if it's tested enough
in text 2 and 3 then there will be no problem in FC2.


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