The new X11 implementation, has now been put in rawhide (was Re: Xorg server)

Roland Wolters wolters.liste at
Fri Mar 19 21:55:13 UTC 2004

Installed xorg with 'yum install xorg*'
(I had to remove aalib, cause it has unsolved dependencies, aalib comes 
together with some mplayer packages).
There were the normal Warnings about /etc/security/selinux/file_contents, but 
everything went fine.
After that xorg installation, x was not able to start:

ld "x" respawning too fast: diabled for 5 minutes

apt-get said, that kdebase has unsolved dependencies, yum update kdebase 
solved it.

I make it like Paul Bender, point 2) and 3):

Once upon a time Paul Bender wrote:
> (2) xauth could not find libXmuu and xinit could not find libX11. I got
> past this by adding /usr/X11R6/lib to /etc/ and running ldconfig.
> (3) xfs did not start automatically. I got past this by running "xfs
> -droppriv -daemon" manually.

Everything starts fine, now it works.
What do I have to do to make the point three automatically?


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