fc2 yum dependency issue

André S. asenci at uol.com.br
Sat Mar 27 21:09:29 UTC 2004

I've removed Ibiblio from the list, how can I fix the XFree86 errors?
I've tried to download a new version from rpmfind.net but still the same
Can't yum just ignore XFree86 so I can update my system?

Em Sáb, 2004-03-27 às 10:12 -0500, seth vidal escreveu:

> ok. The errors you're seeing here are just upgrade errors from the
> XFree86 to xorg-x11 packages. They're packaging problems - apt will do
> the same thing. Also you have a completely mind boggling number of
> repositories there. Mixing repositories that much is never a safe thing

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