FC up2date with development/

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 31 18:42:32 UTC 2004

P.I.Julius said:

> Or simply, it is enough if i update my release always from the
> development tree to have the latest release/test release installed on my
> box?

It is not preferred for the same reason doing an Anaconda update from
test1 -> test2 isn't preferred:

a) Packages can be reverted to earlier versions (for example Evolution)
b) Any _new_ packages won't be installed, so you aren't doing a test of
what the final code will be (for example SELinux, which is a major focus
of test2).
c) Any "left over" files/packages can cause issues and are a pain to track
town (for example the error in one of the XFree86 scripts causing the
ldconfig to not be updated).

William Hooper

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