Downloading the 4GB DVD iso

Taylor, ForrestX forrestx.taylor at
Thu May 6 17:03:08 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 20:53, steve_dum at wrote:
> On this thread a while back there was some discussion about ftp clients 
> for windows that were able to deal with > 2Gb files --- What about a linux 
> client?  Everything I try gets really freeked out with this large filesize.
> Either they don't work at all, or download the first 2 Gb.  I was able to
> convince curl to get about 4G -2 bytes of the file, but I couldn't get it
> to get the last 80Mb of the file.  These programs that store filesize in
> a 32 bit long int just don't make it.  Are there any linux (redhat 7, 8, 9, or
> FC 1) clients that can actually deal with these large filesizes besides
> bittorrant.

My RHL 7.x machines work just fine (for me).  For FC1, I had to update
to the latest gftp.  Also, use /usr/bin/ftp, not /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp:


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