2.8 of 4GB Memory / Fedora (again)

Fred New Fred.New at microlink.ee
Wed May 12 07:35:43 UTC 2004

On May 12, 2004, at 9:13 reg at dwf.com wrote:
> The problem is that Linux (Fedora, above) is only seeing (reporting)
> of the 4GB of memory.  Thats from /proc/meminfo, free, top...
I saw this problem on the 2.4 kernel when I was using kernel-smp on a 3
GB machine.
Going to kernel-bigmem fixed it.  FC doesn't have a kernel-bigmem, but I
what would happen if you tried kernel-smp.  I notice that
Has CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y while kernel-2.6.5-1.358.i686 has


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