Serious reservations about FC2 release on 5/18

Phil Savoie psavoie1783 at
Sun May 16 22:29:51 UTC 2004

Confushion wrote:

> Paul Iadonisi wrote:
>>  And the sky is falling, too.  These threads are getting old.  
> I would say the sky is falling for the user when their previously
> working Windows XP partition as completely unbootable.  I have not seen
> any fix short of wiping the partition table and losing the existing
> Windows XP partition.  Yes, the sky is falling for that user.  It's not
> just one or two people here, and it will be a significant number when
> the release goes live, if it has not been fixed.
> If Microsoft released an upgrade for Windows that broke Linux
> installations in the same way, I think we know what the reaction would
> be.  Why shouldn't we strive to at least be better than Microsoft?
>>I seriously doubt dual boot systems are a priority for Red Hat, nor
>>should they be.  A dual boot system, in principle, is a transition
>>configuration that need not be well supported in every release.  And
>>even as a transition, it's not a requirement for the majority of
>>installations.  Keep a separate Windows box (or boxen) around handle
>>the Windows-only requirements.
> I guess we disagree there.  I see your viewpoint as being very elitist
> and short-sighted.  There are lots of reasons why a person would want to
> be able to boot both Windows XP and FC2 on a single box.  
> My main concern is this problem did not exist in FC1.  Let's go over
> that again, since I've seen some people post that this is a Windows XP
> Something has changed in this release which has caused the problem. 
> Many users have already been affected.  The impact of this problem is a
> user ending up in a situation where they will not be able to get back
> into the Windows XP partition without some serious headaches.  I have
> not yet seen any solution presented for the problem, but I'd appreciate
> a link if you know of one.  I certainly looked around when I was hit
> with this about a week ago.
> Cheers,
> Confushion
I agree,  I use Linux exclusively on a dual boot machine at work for 
*only* those times where I have to use windows for my office routine. 
At home it's strictly Linux.

I too suffered the *wonderful* *new* FC2 release.  I also feel that on 
the point of releasing to the wilds, a very significant bug like this 
should not have been missed and just gives all the windows users more 
ammunition to turn off Linux altogether.  Absolutely and totally 
unprofessional, in my opinion.  I emphatically hope that the boxed 
versions don't allow for this or there's going to be a huge outcry.

Phil Savoie

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