Kickstart problems in FC2

Robert Cavey rcavey at
Wed May 19 20:57:31 UTC 2004

Having problems building my kickstart disk in FC2. Used this exact same
method with RH90 and was flawless.

The scoop:
Basically, I unpack the boot.iso from the images directory and modify
the isolinux.cfg and change ks label to the following:

label ks
  kernel vmlinuz
  append netmask= gateway= dns=
ks=nfs: ksdevice=eth0

I then run mkisofs to rebuild to a .iso and burn to CD, boots up OK, at
the boot prompt:

boot: ks ip=

Tries to boot and kernel panic ... DOH!!!

Kernel panic: Too many boot env vars at 'ip='
In idle task - Not syncing

If I just type "ks" anaconda tries to dhcp the nic card ... don't want

Anyone know of a limit to the number of parameters or has the process
changed with the 2.6 kernel?


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