FC3 disappointment: KsCD locks system; grip; CDROM in general.

Kim Lux lux at diesel-research.com
Sat Nov 13 01:32:19 UTC 2004

Peter: I give you the highest regard for your stance.  You and I think
alike.  Let me know what you want me to do and test and I'll help as
much as I can. 

For what it is worth, I've had issues with RH and cdparanoia before.  If
you look in the cdparanoia archives, I reported similar problems (on a
different machine with a different CDROM) in RH8 2 years ago.

Would it help for me to build a debug version of cdparanoia ?  Do you
have a debug version of the kernel you'd like me to run ? 

Kim Lux (Mr.)  Diesel Research Inc

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