and mp3/dvd playback

Michael A. Peters mpeters at
Thu Nov 18 06:31:33 UTC 2004

On 11/17/2004 05:31:12 PM, Aaron Scott wrote:

> if you install those listed libraries and a DVD capable player
> ( Xine, Totem, mplayer, ogle ) you should be pretty much there.

I believe the totem with Fedora has dvd playback disabled.
The GStreamer plugins for libdvdread/libdvdnav read and load - but I  
think the upstream GStreamer backend developer has disabled dvd  
playback in totem, I can't get it to work (I have gotten it to work in  
older GStreamer backend totem) and the ChangeLog seems to indicate it  
has been disabled currently, I'm guessing some of the major hacking  
that went on with it broke it.

But totem-xine can play dvd's.
I don't use that, but I do use ogle - it works well, you can get it  

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