FAQ, GNOME menus, first questions

Michael Knepher mknepher at bluethingy.com
Tue Oct 5 17:57:12 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 23:43 -0600, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
>         2. How to edit the GNOME menus? I installed Sun StarOffice 7,
> which
> comes with neat little "*.desktop" files already. But where to put
> them
> so all menus for all users show them? (I'd like to put them in the
> "Office" category.)

After Test 3 comes out, I'm going to try to update my RH9 tutorial on
editing the gnome menus to cover the changes in FC3. Unfortunately,
there's still no friendly way to edit the menus, and there probably
won't be a GNOME-wide tool until 2.10, if not later.

With regard to StarOffice, where does the installer put the *.desktop
files? Do they have a "Categories=" line, and if so what does it say?

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