Config modified?

John Dennis jdennis at
Wed Oct 13 16:25:17 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 21:50, Ricardo Veguilla wrote:
> Well, I know the current behavior is not ideal but, I can also imagine
> some new users being angry because, their system keeps forgetting some
> of it settings after an update (obviously this only affects systems
> files, not the user settings which are usually stored in his/her
> account).

No, system configuration settings should not be "forgotten" when an RPM
is updated provided the spec file properly identifies configuration
files as "noreplace". Any configuration settings that are lost on an RPM
upgrade should probably be filed as a bug against the package.

Just to be clear, this is the what an earlier poster referred to when he
alluded to .rpmnew files. The config file is preserved and the new
version of the config file is created alongside the previous config file
with the .rpmnew extension.
John Dennis <jdennis at>

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