USB thumb drive question...

Dave Mack dmack at
Wed Oct 13 23:46:50 UTC 2004

Jerone Young wrote:

>One bug today.... another bug tommorow. Average users could care less
>about SELinux, so why have it on, if it's just going to cause
>potential issues for average users.

Consider this quote from the Fedora Project web site:

"The Fedora Project is a Red-Hat-sponsored and community-supported open 
source project. It is also a proving ground for new technology that may 
eventually make its way into Red Hat products. It is not a supported 
product of Red Hat, Inc."

The important phrase is "proving ground for new technology". It should 
come as no surprise then that SELinux is expected to be present in Red 
Hat Enterprise Linux 4. Fedora wouldn't be much of a proving ground for 
new technology if that technology was turned off by default.

I don't work for Red Hat - this my personal interpretation of the 
system. I think it's a fair deal. We get a completely free, completely 
open source, and pretty much maintained version of Linux and RH gets a 
boatload of alpha/beta testers. The downside (if it is one) is that some 
aspects of Fedora are going to look quite a lot like next year's version 
of RHEL.

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