NVIDIA-6111 with FC3-Test3

Nave, Ronald NaveR at fidelitytech.com
Thu Oct 14 17:26:32 UTC 2004

I have encountered an error with installing the NVIDIA-6111 driver on
FC3-Test3 .

I am currently using  2.6.8-1.610 kernel.

the reported error is  Unresolved external symbol  __VMALLOC_RESERVE

The NVIDIA driver worked up to  the 2.6.8-1.541 kernel.

I have been unstall to install for all versions since then.

I am currently attempting to compile  2.6.9-rc4-bk2 kernel from  kernel.org

There appears to be an error somewhere in the kernel  ( or NVIDIA driver ) 

that requires a global variable that is not exported by the kernel.

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