yum dependencies problem

dustin dustin at esportsea.com
Wed Sep 29 22:41:34 UTC 2004

	I've been using Fedora Core 2 for a while and decided to try out FC3-
test2. I got it installed with no problems and I'm writing this from it.
The problem is that I am trying to use up2date to update my system, and
I keep getting a dependency error. It is saying that linc is required to
install linc-devel. Here is the output from yum:

Requiring package is installed: linc-devel - 1.0.3-6.i386
Resolving for installed requiring package: linc-devel - 1.0.3-6.i386
Resolving for requirement: linc= 1.0.3
Mode for pkg providing linc= 1.0.3: None
Searching pkgSack for dep: linc
Potential match for linc from linc - 1.0.3-6.i386
Matched linc - 1.0.3-6.i386 to require for linc
miss = 2
conf = 0
CheckDeps = 0
Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependency Process ending
Error: missing dep: linc for pkg linc-devel

I look at that and notice that linc nor linc-devel are in the repository
from the mirror im using. I figure it's no big deal and I just download
the linc version it wants and go to install it, only to get a message
saying that it is already installed.

[root at median ~]# rpm -qa | grep linc
[root at median ~]#

yum wants 1.0.3, but I have 1.0.3-6. This normally shouldn't matter, but
for some reason yum doesn't like this. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?


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