Anaconda or Grub write a wrong grub.conf for my windows partition

Cimmo cimmo at
Tue Apr 12 20:09:04 UTC 2005

Peter Jones ha scritto:

>Just wanted to be sure it was this not manually selecting it.  Can you
>be sure and put this info in the bug when you file it?

>No, no, no.  In the bug, so it doesn't get lost completely if somebody
>else were to get assigned to fixing it, and so all the details are in
>one place.
I have understood, but want to be sure that it is a bug and not a "not 
an issue"

>A package with code that does some parts of our bootloader installation.
So I will fill against anaconda or booty? 50&50? :)

>>>I don't think I've seen this as a bug
>>Why not?
>Why not what?  I said to file it! :)
I thought you are thinking that it isn't a bug :)
Now I've understood, you mean that you didn't see in bugzilla right? :)

Now I add another bug :)


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