crazy hackers and logwatch

Neil B. Cohen nbc at
Mon Aug 8 14:33:00 UTC 2005

Hi - What exactly is denyhosts? I've been seeing things like this on my
machine at home, and I've been manually adding rules to my firewall to
keep them from coming back... Something that does it automatically would
be very useful to me...

I'm running FC3 on my firewall machine at home. Can I do a 'yum install
denyhosts'? Is there documentation on how to configure it? I'll look
around on the web today and see what I can find on my own. But any
pointers or info you can give me would be appreciated...



On Mon, 2005-08-08 at 09:25 -0500, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >>>>> "JC" == Justin Conover <justin.conover at> writes:
> JC> Is it stupid when someone is trying to get on your box, leaves the
> JC> ip and has a website on that ip ;-)
> Yes, but most of these hosts have been hacked and are just running
> automated tools to find other hackable boxes.
> To protect yourself, install denyhosts from extras, tune it to your
> environment and enjoy the satisfaction of having these be blocked
> automatically.
> I hope to have an updated version of denyhosts checked into extras
> soon.
>  - J<
NAME:   Neil B. Cohen (Cisco Systems Inc.)
PHONE:  703-484-1316
DOMAIN: nbc at
* Murphy's Philosophy: Smile - tomorrow will be worse...    *
*                                                           *
* O'Tooles Commentary: Murphy was an optimist!              *

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