A record number of breakages?

Michael Wiktowy mwiktowy at gmx.net
Fri Aug 19 17:30:45 UTC 2005

Jim Cornette wrote:

> That sounds like the way I am updating through development. I use the
> output of available packages and throw the output into a script. I
> then find and replace this "---> Package" with "yum -y update" and
> replace "set to be updated" and "set to be installed" with a blank
> space using an editor. I then save the script and run it.
> This is very slow with the present state of development. (Almost 24
> hrs running)

Specifically I run a script like:

for i in `yum list updates |cut -f 1 -d " " |grep -A 500 -e Updates |\
grep -v -e Updates` ; do
        echo "Updating $i"
        yum -y update $i

that crudely chops the package names out of the output of "yum list
updates" and iteratively updates each one separately (up to 500 packages).
It takes much longer than updating all the packages at once since it has
to read in the metadata every time but it shouldn't take anywhere near
24 hrs.

This is for FC3 ... I am note sure if the yum output for "yum list
updates" has changed for FC4.


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