We will soon be at FC4 and system-config-packages will still fall short

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Mar 24 07:53:34 UTC 2005

> will we find "pup" here ?
>   http://linux.duke.edu/projects/

no, pup is a project paul nasrat(primarily) is working on  at red hat.

> - edit existing yum.repos.d files
> - add new repos, evtl. by clicking on 
> http://somwhere.org/repository/addthisyumrepo.file
> - overview|enable|disable repos
> - sort packages|groups by:  installdate, install-source, name, size, ...
> - whichcd [RFE] - /usr/share/comps-extras/whichcd.py pckg1 pkg2 group1 
> group2 
> - show package|group dependencies
> (is it possible to access the rpm database via odbc ?)
> - sources (evtl. createrepo):
>  cd (distri-cds, additional-cds), iso-file, ftp, http, webdav, nfs, ...
> - different themes

okay so let's think about this.

Paul is writing an updater. It let's you select packages to update and
it presents you the information in a non-threatening manner.

All of the features you mention above are extremely threatening to the
new user. Why on earth would we clutter up an interface with something
like themes for an updater?


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