anaconda traceback with today's rawhide

Chris Lumens clumens at
Mon Mar 28 17:54:33 UTC 2005

> File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 363 in setLanguageDefault
>  id.instLanguage.setDefault(default)
> File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 204, in setDefault
>  self.default = name
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'name' referenced before assignment
> my kickstart language statements:
> lang en_US
> langsupport en_US C --default en_US

Oh, this is because I broke some things with my big language handling
rewrite.  I'll work on fixing this (and a couple other things) right
away.  Thought I had at least gotten it working to the same degree as it
previously was.  Thanks for uncovering a case where it's busted.

- Chris

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