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Mary Ellen Foster mefoster at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 13:28:32 UTC 2005

On 11/5/05, Bikehead <bikehead at amberpoint.com> wrote:
> After the lastest rounds of rawhide updates I keep getting scriptlet
> failed errors about /usr/bin/rebuild-gcj-db not found.
> java-1.4.2-gcj-comat- does have a rebuild-gcj-db in
> /etc/alternative/jre_gcj/bin.  I read somewhere that rebuild-gcj-db is
> under the alternatives system so I suspect that somehow my alternatives
> setup has gotten screwed up.  What is the best way to fix this?

This bug explains basically what's going on:

Comment #4 in that bug also gives a workaround that can be used until
it gets fixed.

Note that you probably have two copies in the RPM database of a lot of
Java-related packages now because of that failing scriptlet. What I've
been doing with those is, rpm -ev --nodeps --noscripts both of the
duplicates, and then rpm -ivh just the newest version, using the RPMs
in /var/cache/yum. Is there a cleaner way to clean up that sort of


__ Mary Ellen Foster __ http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mef/ __
"One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that,
lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination
of their C programs." (Robert Firth)

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