Why are you using rawhide (Re: Broken deps in rawhide reports; Participate in improving docs)

Thomas Cameron thomas.cameron at camerontech.com
Sat Nov 5 15:53:58 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-05 at 20:53 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

> * Where did you learn about the existence of rawhide from?

Heard about it on fedora-list - "issue X is fixed in rawhide" type of

> * How did you get started on using it?

Trying to fix "issue X"

> * What motivates use to use it?

Masochism?  Machismo?  Wanting to be the first kid on my block with a
working "issue X?"  

Really, for me it's wanting to see where RHEL is going.


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