Up2date replacement

Don Springall don_springall at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 26 21:33:57 UTC 2005

Before we begin congratulations to REDHAT for being picked as the OS for the 
MIT $100 laptop. See http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=731 for details. 
I am also glad that Fedora is getting press in www.distrowatch.com and 
www.lwn.com for Core 5.

>From: Jeremy Katz <katzj at redhat.com>
>Reply-To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases 
><fedora-test-list at redhat.com>
>To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases 
><fedora-test-list at redhat.com>
>Subject: Re: Up2date replacement
>Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 00:00:58 -0500

> > Up2date lets you decide to install the updates or not after everything 
> > downloaded so you can do that later if you have run out of time.
>Why would you run out of time, though?  How is having the time required
>for downloading different from having the time required for installing?

The point being that you sometimes run out of time to complete the whole 
process.  To go from Fedora Core 4 to rawhide is over 1.2 Gigs of download 
that took me five hours to get. To apply the 1.2 Gigs of updates took over 2 
hours. This is on a 1.8 GHZ system with a 5.5 Mb/S internet connection.

Again though my biggest concern is getting things fixed quickly. PUP says 
everything is uptodate when I know REDHAT has a fix available for my broken 
firewall with iptables-1.3.4-2.i386.rpm in the development repo. Today I can 
only seem to get it through http.

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