x86-64 rawhide update obnoxiousness

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Tue Oct 11 14:13:21 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 11 October 2005 09:48, Justin Conover wrote:
> You could tail the end of /root/install.log to see what are i386/x86_64
> packages.

That file is long gone.

But look at this:

[root at spirit ~]# rpm -q --whatrequires kdebase | grep i386
[root at spirit ~]# rpm -q --whatrequires kdemultimedia | grep i386
[root at spirit ~]# rpm -q kdemultimedia

So, why is kdemultimedia i386 installed? It appears to cause kdebase i386 to 
be installed, which in turn requires kdelibs i386, which in turn requires 
arts i386. I'm sure there's more but I can't backtrack from that point.

This wastes a lot of disk space and a lot of somebody's bandwidth for everyone 
downloading it. We really need a good way to find this cruft and remove it.


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