NFS installs

Gene C. czar at
Fri Oct 28 19:22:43 UTC 2005

I have been attempting to do an NFS install of a local copy development.  In 
the past (FC4 and earlier), I just needed Fedora/base/*, Fedora/RPMS/* and 
images/boot.iso.  For FC5 development, this seems to have changed but I do 
not seem this documented/mentioned anywhere (I searched both fedora-test and 
fedora-devel mailing lists).

Besides the above, you now seem to need repodata/* and yumgroups.xml.  
Furtheremore, you cannot create repodata/* with the FC4 createrepo since this 
does not work (I have not tried using createrepo from development.

Can someone describe what needs to be mirrored so that I can continue to do 
NFS installs?

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