Please strip out the patch that brings up applications behind gnome-terminal

Jonathan Corbet lwn-fedora-test at
Wed Feb 1 14:47:22 UTC 2006

Miles Lane <miles.lane at> wrote:

> When I use "emacs &", it doesn't mean I want to continue what I was
> doing in the shell and use emacs later.  In my usage, it means that
> I want to be _able_ to switch back and forth between emacs and
> shell commands, but I want to use emacs immediately.  

When I type "ooffice file.odt &" it doesn't mean I want to stop all work
on anything else until openoffice gets around to talking to me.  if I
type "gthumb image.jpg &" it means I want to see the image, but I don't
necessarily want to type at it.  I have to say that the new focus
behavior has improved my life considerably.  I hope it doesn't go away.


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