FC5T2 ready for even a test release?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Thu Jan 26 22:02:42 UTC 2006

John Morris wrote:

>On Sun, 2006-01-22 at 17:39, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>... because its not so good. 
>>Tell me on what occasions would a end user need it?
>Pray tell, just who are these mythical 'end users' of which you go on
>and on about?  This is Fedora under discussion, not RHEL.  Fedora is
>quasi stable and short lived, I'd never suggest it for an 'end user.'
Fedora Core 1 which was the first release of Fedora released on 5 November 2003 is still maintained by the Fedora Legacy project. Not exactly a short update lifecycle and it could extended for as much time as contributers are willing to help with the project. Fedora releases are fast moving but are meant to be robust. 


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