Argh! Firefox has gone insane!

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Sat Jul 29 16:17:07 UTC 2006

On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 05:08:31PM +0100, Paul wrote:
> > Are you sure it was not actually already running when you did the update? 
> Yes. I'd been using Opera 9 since Thursday to test some sites out with.

Make sure it wasn't still spinning in the background or something -- run
"killall firefox-bin; sleep 5; killall -9 firefox-bin" and then try running
it again. Or of course if you've rebooted since using it last, you're pretty
safe. :)

> > that case, what you thought was firing it up may have just been opening a
> > new window of the old version, which would be confused.
> It would - except this has lost all top menu, most of the icons a lots
> more besides.

Yeah -- can't find its chrome.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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