Help name the test project!

Will Woods wwoods at
Fri Jun 16 04:34:32 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 15, 2006, at 10:45 PM, Richard Hally wrote:

>>> So "Fedora Testing" just doesn't feel like enough to me.
>> FATS - Fedora Automated Test Suite...
>> Kevin
> Fedora Automated Realistic Test Suite (FARTS)
> but seriously, please pick something that at least gives a clue  
> about what the project is about. I have no idea (from the name)  
> what mugshot or dogtail are about. I know this is against the open  
> source tradition of cute or obscure names but real engineering  
> isn't about cute and obscure...

I'm with you - I want to find a name that gives you a clue about the  
purpose of the project. If I wanted something that was just cute or  
obscure, I would have just named the project Tlon and the test suite  
Yoshimi and called it a day.

I'd like disagree with you about Mugshot and Dogtail, though.  
Consider this: Dogtail is a automated GUI tester. Instead of *you*  
testing the GUI, the computer tests itself. The tail wags the dog, in  
a manner of speaking.

So, knowing that, which would be easier to remember: Dogtail, or RHAGT?

Similarly, would "RHTS" tell you more or less about the project than  
would something like "Luna"? Which would be easier to remember:  
"Project Temper" or "FQA"?

It's definitely not about being obscure or cute. It's about being  
memorable. Maybe even fun.

- -w
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