Kudzu segmentation fault. Core5 Test3 upto date as of March 4, 2006

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Mon Mar 6 01:25:37 UTC 2006

Leslie Satenstein wrote:

>>From rpm -qa "kern*" here is some info 
>kernel-xen-hypervisor-2.6.15-1.1977_FC5 (as part of pup upgrade)
>kernel-xen-hypervisor-2.6.15-1.1955_FC5 (as dvd install or after several pup installs).
>for kudzu 
>rpm -qa "kudzu" yielded kudzu-1.2.33-1
>I provided the date stamp and time stamp of the kudzu file as a way to identify the kudzu version.
>My testing has been done with core5 system, maintained by pup,
>and no other maintain program (not even yum). 
>That maintenance decision I took was to keep the test environement pure.
>>From my install options selections from the test3 dvd, it chose
>that hypervisor kernel. I am unable to tell you why.
Kindly check the archives of this list. Kudzu segfaulting on the Xen 
kernel is a known issue. If you select virtualization on the package 
selection screen, you will get a Xen kernel by default and this issue 
would occur. It has already been filed on bugzilla several times.


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