mono-beagled -- major memory leak

dragoran dragoran at
Tue Mar 7 06:54:06 UTC 2006

Jonathan Berry wrote:

>Okay, well, after using my FC5T3 +updates machine for a little while I
>find that mono-beagled is using up 71.4 % of my RAM.  Of my 2.0 GB of
>RAM...  That's about 1.4 GB...  There's just something wrong about
>$ free
>             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
>Mem:       2056132    2027276      28856          0       7880     214296
>-/+ buffers/cache:    1805100     251032
>Swap:      2096472    1328180     768292
>$ ps aux | grep mono-beagled
>berryja   2723  0.7 71.4 2963828 1468308 ?     Sl   21:34   0:47
>mono-beagled --debug /usr/lib64/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg
>Is anyone else seeing this?  I'm assuming that it is not supposed to
>do that.  Any ideas about how to debug this?
>Aha, already in bugzilla:
not sure about memory but could the high cpu usage be caused by this:

      Do I really need extended attributes?

It is /strongly/ recommended. There is an sqlite-based fallback in 
place, but using this as the primary store is slow and noticably 
degrades performance.

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