[Off Topic] #fedora chanop?

Chasecreek Systemhouse chasecreek.systemhouse at gmail.com
Sat May 6 01:38:56 UTC 2006

[Off Topic] Any #fedora (freenode) chanop on the list?
Maybe possibly please remove the *tor* ban?

Or at least allow: tor/regular/sneex

-NickServ-            Nickname: sneex << ONLINE >>
-NickServ-          Registered: 48 weeks 4 days (11h 46m 53s) ago
-NickServ-   Last Seen Address: i=blarp at tor/regular/sneex
-NickServ-               Cloak: tor/regular/sneex
-NickServ-                 URL: http://insecurity.org/
-NickServ-    Nickname Options: AutoMask, Private, Secure, UnFiltered,
Hidden, AllowMemos, MemoSignon, Cloaked
-NickServ-    Linked Nicknames (first is master):
-NickServ-                      1) sneex
-NickServ-                      2) BillTheCat
-NickServ-                      3) iudicium_
-NickServ-                      4) sneexbot
-NickServ-                      5) iudicium
-NickServ-                      6) blarp
-NickServ- Channels Registered:
-NickServ-                      1) #sneex
-NickServ- Access Channels:
-NickServ-                      1) (30 ) #sneex

WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/

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