live CD/DVDs for test releases

Karsten Wade kwade at
Sat Nov 11 23:27:29 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 13:14 -0500, Jesse Keating wrote:

> Live CD/DVDs would be invaluable in getting more testing of A) the liveCD 
> creation tools, and B) the packages themselves.  

Yes, and combinations of packages that have a high degree of
interoperability, such as GNOME or KDE.

> However it does not help to 
> test anaconda and installation / upgrades.  Its the installation/upgrades 
> that had the most 'whoops' bugs in them and are the cause of most slips.  We 
> need more testing there, not less.

The idea is to increase testing overall by including new groups that
wouldn't test otherwise.  Some of those are going to end up testing
installation and upgrades, thereby increasing the testing on those.

Would some people stop testing installation/upgrades all-together?  I
suppose so, but it's all guesswork at this point.  I guess that the
numbers will offset each other and end up growing testing of rawhide and
tests overall.

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor    ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
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