Ndiswrapper problems with kernels 2.6.23-6.fc8-i686

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Sun Oct 14 13:05:55 UTC 2007

On 14.10.2007 14:47, Arch Willingham wrote:
> I have a small script file I run each time the kernel gets updated.
> The script re-compiles ndiswrapper (versaion 1.49rc3) and then runs a
> series of commands. At one point, it runs "modprobe ndiswrapper". The
> output from it from the new kernel is:
> FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper
> (/lib/modules/2.6.23-6.fc8/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid module
> format
> It worked fine with kernel 2.6.23-5.fc8-i686 (which is how I am
> sending this e-mail).
> Any ideas?

No, but you can try the package from livna -- maybe that works (but it's
not the rc, latest official version iirc).

Further: livna/rpmfusion is looking for a maintainer for ndiswrapper.
Would you be interested?  You could do Fedora users a great service by
maintaining it -- it's just easier to compile a Fedora-specific and
pre-compile package in one place and then let thousands of users use it
instead of letting thousands of users install and maintain ndiswrapper
locally and manually.


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