Extra Extra read all about it - Preupgrade released....

Will Woods wwoods at redhat.com
Tue Apr 15 18:18:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-04-15 at 17:28 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Interviews/PreUpgrade
> Will and Seth anything you would like to add to testers?

Heh! I just used it to upgrade my F8 system - yes, we eat our own
dogfood! Everything's working just fine. Here's a couple of notes for

1) The interview has a small mistake - PreUpgrade does *not* show up in
the menus. You have to run 'preupgrade' to start it. In the
not-too-distant future it should get started by a puplet notification
(F8) or a PackageKit notification (F9+).

2) RFEs etc. go to Trac: http://fedorahosted.org/preupgrade/
You can file bugs there too, at least until bugzilla has a 'preupgrade'

3) Upgrade requirements:
* preupgrade needs ~70MB of space on /boot minimum (that will get you a
text-mode upgrade). For graphics you'll need ~128MB or more. 

* It also requires disk space in /var/cache/yum on the target system -
typically something like 600MB, but could be a few GB depending on how
many packages need upgrading. (That's still way less than downloading a
DVD, though.)

4) Keep in mind that upgrades can take a looong time. My system is old
and has ~1900 packages installed; it downloaded 2GB of packages and took
a few hours to upgrade. YMMV.

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