Fedora 9 Preview Release - fail

John Morris jmorris at beau.org
Sat Apr 19 20:19:42 UTC 2008

Good grief, did anyone do a test install before releasing this one?

First off I tried a basic install in QEMU, just clicking Next to
everything.  Total fail.  Anaconda blew up writing the partition table. 
Is it too much to ask for someone to actually install the defaults
before making a release?

Flaming aside, another attempt is currently installing.  Dumped all the
fancy LVM junk, manually made two partitions for root and swap and it is
happy.  Hopefully it will actually finish (QEMU is slow...) and poking
around with the actual software can start.

I'll also be beating on anaconda some more in the next few days on real
hardware.  Want to try the encrypted filesystems, etc.

John M.      http://www.beau.org/~jmorris     This post is 100% M$Free!
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