RPM problem

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Feb 25 18:56:47 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-25 at 10:56 -0800, Alan wrote:
> I am encountering a problem that needs some sort of fix.  Not urgent, but
> it is something that eventually needs to be solved.
> I have a laptop that has heat issues.  Given a hard enough workload it
> will overheat and shutdown.  (I have yet to find out where the temperature
> setting is at for this shutdown.  Hints would be much appreciated.)
> The big problem happens when I am updating RPMs and the system overheats. 
> I get a bunch of packages that have installed bits and no cleanup, which
> means it thinks it has two version installed.  Even more fun is that this
> system is an x86_64.  I get cases where I have the i386 version at one
> revision and the x86_64 at another.  And you cannot just update because
> yum/rpm finds a conflict from the other package that is not getting
> upgraded.
> I have had other systems crash in the middle of the upgrade.  Fixing the
> problem is always unpleasant. (Usually I have to figure out which packages
> got bjorked and uninstall and reinstall with extreme --force.)
> Anyone looking at making yum and/or rpm deal with this sort of problem?

Have you tried yum-complete-transaction?
If not do this:

yum install yum-utils


it should clean up your aborted transactions.


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