FUDCon QA Sessions?

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Mon Jun 16 15:24:27 UTC 2008

Hadn't seen anything here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/FUDConF10 
about testing related sessions at FUDCon and wondered if there was 
interest in having a few?  (forgive me if someone has posted something 
like this already).

I think a lot of good things came out of the anaconda/snake sessions in 
RDU in January 2008 so would a couple more topics be good for Boston at 
the end of this week?

As a starting point here are some of the points that came out of the F9 
postmortem (some of which I think we are already working on):

1) Document and reconsider installation testing approach
2) Do we need more RHT provided hardware?
3) Evaluate "rawhide" as a viable and worthwhile testing target
4) Better utilizing Anaconda's ability to install different repos of 
packages with a known good stage2
5) Test plans for other areas besides installation testing
6) Expanding testing--larger number number of consistent community testers
7) Exposing Fedora 10 Blocker Bugs
    a) identify earlier and more often
    b) make blocker bugs more visible to community
8) Increase effectiveness of Triage group at identifying blocker bugs
    a) Provide Training
    b) Create clearer documentation and guidelines around what types of 
bugs should be added to blocker bug
       --make policies broad so as to capture more bugs (err on the side 
of capturing too many bugs--can always remove)
9) Formal tracking of test plans and their execution with greater 
overall visibility into the process
10) Reward contributions from testers
11) More involvement of RHEL QE group--testing resources and expertise
12) Test/re-test installer issues earlier and more often during release. 
  This depends on:
    a) test automation
    b) installable trees

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