Crashing Fedora with Wine

Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R caf at
Tue Jun 17 19:04:12 UTC 2008

I have crashed Fedora 8 (up to date withyum) on an AMD 6000
by doing unusual things with Wine.

Using a VNC remote deskop, "wine -V" (or was it "wine -v") nailed

Again using a VNC remote desktop, I successfully ran W6ELProp.exe
with the command "wine  W6ELProp.exe" .  After using the propagation
program successfully, I set focus to the window from which I ran
Wine and hot Control-C to terminate Wine.  This too nailed Fedora.

In the second instance it appeared that Fedora was still forwarding
internet traffic after it crashed.  But everything else had stopped
and the console keyboard was dead.  I have a picture of the
diagnostics on the console screen available.

The same situation running on an Intel Core Duo doesn't seem
to cause any problems.

Chuck Forsberg    caf at   503-614-0430
Developer of Industrial ZMODEM(Tm) for Embedded Applications
  Omen Technology Inc      "The High Reliability Software"
10255 NW Old Cornelius Pass Portland OR 97231   FAX 629-0665

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