Upstart and release notes

Michal Jaegermann michal at
Fri Mar 7 05:28:13 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 12:50:47PM -0800, Andrew Farris wrote:
> Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> >
> >After the change above killing a display manager means just that.
> >The only reliable way to restart it appears to be
> >'telinit 3; telinit 5'; only this restarts much more.  Was that a
> >deliberate change for really good reasons?  I already found it an
> >annoying PITA although "telinit line" works in a script.
> Something wrong with 'pkill -f gdm; gdm-restart'?  I haven't tried
> it,

The only bad thing about it is that it does not work.
'gdm-restart' sends SIGHUP to a running gdm process so you will get
"/var/run/ doesn't exist, perhaps GDM isn't running" after
the first command (or other complaints if gdm went away without
deleting file).  If you will skip "pkill ..." then it does
not really helps very much if something hanged.

> but gdm-stop and gdm-start work just fine

With this small gotcha that gdm-start does not exist.
It does not appear that writing one will be so difficult, though.

I was really more curious why files in /etc/event.d/ are not


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