Question: easy way to watch new bugs

Antonio M antonio.montagnani at
Sat Mar 8 22:19:49 UTC 2008

2008/3/8, Andrew Farris <lordmorgul at>:

>  If you have smolt enabled and your profile has been sent to the server you can
>  include your specific UUID with any bug reports, and give the developers a very
>  detailed view of the hardware involved.  All you need to do is open the smolt
>  system tool, go to My Smolt Page, and then copy of the link into bz reports.
If I should not get this error when opening my Smolt page:

Error: Critical: New versions of smolt use a public UUID. Yours is:

and if my Smolt should not freeze when I try to send my informations again.
Shall I file against smolt??

Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

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