Is It Worth Installing F9 Alpha?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Mon Mar 10 04:35:11 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 20:56:07 -0500,
  Robert L Cochran <cochranb at> wrote:
> I downloaded the DVD iso of Fedora 9 Alpha some time ago. Is it still
> worth installing and then updating, or should I wait for a "beta"
> release...or will updating effectively give me the beta?

It depends on what you are trying to do.
If you actually want to use the machine for something other than testing, I'd
recommend waiting for at least the beta.
If there is some new feature you are interested in and want to make sure it
works when Fedora 9 is released, then the earlier you start testing, the
However, depending on what you are doing you can be in for some significant
pain. On my home machine I have three 3 different bugs that randomly bite
me on reboots. This makes it painful to do any testing that requires a reboot
including updating the kernel. There have also been some mkinitrd bugs (it's
broken right now), so be sure to keep a working kernel install around. X has
had a lot of problems be seems to stablizing (except for my setup which is
having different problems with both the vesa and radeon drivers).

(I am using it because it has a kernel bug fixed that has been giving me
grief for over a year and I want to use the full disk (excepting /boot)
encryption feature.)

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