Backlog proposals, now and future - Special Bug Triage meeting, 2008-03-12 17:00UTC

John Poelstra poelstra at
Tue Mar 11 17:25:26 UTC 2008

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson said the following on 03/11/2008 10:03 AM Pacific 

> As in about bugs that provide enough information and can be duplicated 
> but dont get any response,
> not a simple we are working on it, or have not manage to solve this yet 
> or this is proving harder to fix then expect
> Some response to the bug reporter(s) so they know something is being 
> done and his bug report is not in vain....

Who are you suggesting should leave this message?  Seems me it would 
need to be the package maintainer--not the bug triager who is simply the 
initial filter and does not speak for the package maintainer.

FWIW, I expect that the process of relaunching the triage process AND 
initiating backlog process is going to stir things up and at times be 
painful.  I think I speak for the other triagers in that we want to 
minimize as much of the pain as we can and are not seeking to be 
disruptive and "change things" just because because the opportunity is 
there.  We want to make Fedora better :)

Right now I think it is hard to know where we stand and what the true 
issues are given the current state of many of the bugs.  The only way 
we've been able to think of so far to get things going is start over as 
best we can--start triaging new bugs and resolve the old ones as best we 

> A happy bug reporter is a returning bug reporter...

Completely agree :)

I've been wondering if there is a better way to set "bug reporter 
expectations"?  IOW is it a realistic expectation for someone to believe 
that every time they file a legitimate (real) bug that it will be fixed? 
  If the answer is 'no' how do we convey that message kindly and in a 
way that makes sense without alleviating people and discouraging them 
from reporting bugs?


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