BugZappers Meeting Recap for 2009-04-14

TK009 john.brown009 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 19:15:24 UTC 2009

The meeting recap and full IRC transcript can be found here:

Please make any corrections and clarifications to that page.

= Bug Triage Meeting :: 2009-04-14 =

== Attendees ==
* adamw
* arxs
* iarlyy
* jlaska
* poelcat
* tk009

== Topics of Discussion ==
* Blocker Bugs - Discussed need to increase the quality of the existing 
documentation on the wiki 
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/ReleaseCriteria) to assist 
triagers/QA in identifying and adding blockers to the Blocker List.
    This will be a collaborative effort with QA.

* SOP's - Discussed the creation of a BugZappers SOP page and the status 
of the Introduction Email SOP.
    poelcat will create the main page and Adam will fishing the 
Introduction Email SOP for inclusion.

* Continued the discussion on the time allowance for NEEDINFO response.
    The current guideline's of 30+30 days for closing a non-responsive 
NEEDINFO will remain.  A minimum of no less than 30 days will be all 
that is "required" before closing a non-responsive NEEDINFO. This will 
be at the discretion of the triager.

* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Beland/Bugzilla_Legend status.
    Still waiting for the information from adamw's -devel email and 
beland was unable to attend the meeting.


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