Specifying How Yum Downloads Updates

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Wed Apr 15 14:38:38 UTC 2009

Once upon a time, Bob Gustafson <bobgus at rcn.com> said:
> Yes, I'm concerned about the ADDITIONAL packages removed by yum  
> because it does not maintain a reference count.
> It happened to me - 152 packages were removed. Many were critical to  
> the operation of my system.
> A reference counting package manager would not have done that.

What is this "reference counting" you keep mentioning?  How would it
have helped?

You asked yum to do something, it displayed a list of all the actions it
was going to take as a result, and you said yes.  What else could it
have done?

When you tell yum to remove a package that other packages depend on, it
can either remove all the dependencies, or not remove anything.
Anything else leaves broken packages in the system.  How would some
"reference counting" change that?
Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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