
cornel panceac cpanceac at
Sun Aug 16 05:51:05 UTC 2009

2009/8/16 Allen Kistler <an037-ooai8 at>

> For the first time in a while, I've gotten rawhide to install.  Upon
> booting, I noticed there's an extra initrd, named initrd-generic, in /boot.
>  Plus it's huge by classic initrd standards.
> What is it?  How is it intended to be used?  I haven't found much on it
> other than dracut generates it.
> Does mkinitrd still generate the regular initrd, but dracut generates
> initrd-generic?  If so, then we've got both so we can test the dracut
> "generic" version and have something to fall back on if it's screwed up,
> true?  I did an @core installation, which does not currently include dracut
> (even if it ever will), so the "generic" initrd seems to come straight out
> of the kernel rpm.
> I unpacked the "generic" version to have a quick look at it.  I haven't
> examined it closely to see exactly why it's 5 or 6 times bigger, but it's
> certainly got a lot more directories.  So does "generic" mean it's not
> custom made at rpm install time, but instead at rpm package generation time?
>  From the fp.o [[Dracut]] page, it *seems* the intention is to generate
> initrd at install, as it is now with mkinitrd, but with dracut instead.
> BTW, I used the "generic" version to boot.  It seemed to work okay, other
> than some cosmetic LF vs. CRLF issues with the boot messages.
> I've made some guesses and read between some lines here.
> How much is wrong?
> Thanks for any info.

if it is what i _hope_ it is, it's an initrd to be used if the system is
moved to a different hardware. (so that os will still boot. then we can
build a hardware specific initrd, aka optimized.) but i'm just trying to
guess here :)

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