Announcing Fedora 11 Alpha (blink)

Jason Farrell farrellj at
Fri Feb 6 17:48:55 UTC 2009

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Bill Nottingham <notting at> wrote:

> Antonio Olivares (olivares14031 at said:
> > You are probably not killing anything, since X is not starting :)
> > You are only(my guess*) is restarting the X server via CTRL + ALT + BS
> Right, but he says that X was crashing. If it crashes, there's nothing
> there to listen for the ctrl-alt-backspace and do anything about it...
I think we all know he meant frozen X VS a crash loop, pedant. :)

Just because upstream changed the DontZap default doesn't mean Fedora won't
patch it back to working how just about everyone *wants* it to work. In
fact, I'd bet on it, because it would reflect poorly on Fedora if they
*didn't* patch it. Keeping ctrl-alt-backspace around provides way more
benefit to Fedora's main audience than it does in protecting the rare
desktop user from accidentally discovering this killer keycombo.

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