How to enable kernel mode setting with Intel onboard graphics

Petrus de Calguarium kwhiskerz at
Wed Mar 4 18:50:30 UTC 2009

My laptop has a built-in Intel graphic board. I read that kms for Intel is 
supposed to be included in kernel-2.6.29, but whenever I put rhgb on the 
kernel boot line i grub (and remove vga= and remove nomodeset), then the 
computer boots and I can tell that it's logging into kde, but the screen is 
just black and I am unable to change to another vt. When I use vga= and 
nomodeset, then Plymouth works and so does X.

Am I missing an option on the kernel boot line in grub? Do I have to 
configure something? How do I enable the native modeline required to get 
my laptop to use its native resolution? I tried xrandr, but it was unable to 
use the native resolution. Yet, I have read that the kernel is now supposed 
to do this...

Any ideas?

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